lunes, 27 de julio de 2015

The heart decided to share

On saturday after dinner, we had a sharing session, the rules were easy, you could share a song, a verse, a poem, a story, whatever you wanted. There I was in silence, trying to put together a few sentences in english, I realized that my heart didn't know exactly how to share in english, I could understand everyone and even enjoy their words. The monk kept asking, please share, feel free to tell the rest of the group if this is your first time here, how it's been. I started shivering, that never happens to me, whenever it's time to talk in a group, I'm the first one to raise my hand, how could I be so nervous?
I finally decided to be brave, to be happy and tell for the first time in english a story that I've shared with family and friends several times. This time it was a happy story about my dad and grandma Chelo.
    The next day, people approached me and kept saying thanks for sharing, it was a moving story, I saw a butterfly and reminded me of you.

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